What caught my attention from this campaign is that "informs" people about how carrying a counterfeit item in France is actually illegal. But, who will enforce this law? I can picture some offended French then playing "good citizens" and calling the "style police". Pretty futile if you ask me...How can anybody market massively luxury and deny it to the masses on the basis of "originality"? Is luxury exclusive to a brand perception? or it exclusive to design? is it possible to segregate design from perception of brand? do counterfeit buyers buy the brand of the design? If the value of an object is mostly its price (read brand) why would people only buy from the highest cost seller in a hyper capitalist world....? Status? who's? The few that actually can afford the brand? But if people define themselves by what the own, why can not access a "perceived life" by merely buying the appearance that even fake brands give? Is the"brand promise" owned by one brand?Any discussion around luxury items is deemed to be laughable and nihilist. The business of fake needs for fake existences... Good luck french dudes in enforcing a weak law in the face of the hegemony of luxury fashion. A hierarchical power based in -one hand- on exclusivity -and in the other- alluring the masses
- Compilation of aesthetic manifestations beyond compliance, bring us emancipation.
Jul 2007
- Simpsons At Colette
- Polish Grafik
- Density
- One plot many verisons: southamerican film
- Castelluci: new theater
- happy coke ducumentary
- style police
- Nouvelle Vague
- Kate Blachet as Bob Dylan
- the mystique of style heritage
- Derrida on Love: the great divide
- Not to the paranormal existance of power
- Lider: the construction of objects
- Yoshi Tajima
- textural life and death
- Border Banhart
- Orpheus & The Brazilian Sun
- City ballet
- paprika for adults
- Off the grid Beasty Boys
- FFFFOUND!とはウェブで見つけたお気に入り画像をメモって、シェアして、さらに好みを...
- Victimizing fashion
- The man that made type sexy
- Lacroix: lighting darkness
- Chilhood kindnaped by machines!
- Lopping Japanese girls
- Designer crosses border and becomes tailor superes...
Jul 2007