Sex sells...what's new?!
But when you have an "escalating" shock effect from American Apparel communications , then whatever crazy porn trend seems to be a "fair" ad.
The first image is the latest American Apparel campaign in French media; Cameltoe and boobs with hipster flare. - I'm missing the cigarette and heels-
The second found in SOHO street points to the brand language but seems "fake"... Regardless, it is above all a reiteration of the zeitgeist: porn for all! -that's democracy!-
- Compilation of aesthetic manifestations beyond compliance, bring us emancipation.
Dec 2007
- Set Design
- Work Gear, not exactly
- The glue society
- Jacques Cousteau
- No title
- GĂ©raldine Georges
- Carine's middle ages.
- A modern tale
- PomPoms!
- Berlin brotherhood
- Spider webs
- Ryan McGinley
- The Trollsen twins by peta
- michael james obrien
- P. Starck
- Greek to me
- Lauren Greenfield
- Sally Mann
- Inland Empire
- Sienna Miller designer? Yeah right
- "Safe to say she loves her socks"
- Other Africans
- Not an option
- Naming perfume trends
- Sacrilege apreciated!
Dec 2007