Takagi Masakatsu
The work of artist Takagi Masakatsu is based on images and music. I see lots of perceptual elements, memory, desire, ...interesting crazy expansive images with a superb use of color. His work is sold in the Itunes store.
Grow up already

the cutest robot
Keepon is a small creature-like robot designed to interact with children by directing attention and expressing emotion. Keepon's minimal design makes its behaviors easy to understand, resulting in interactions that are enjoyable and comfortable—particularly important in our research on human social development.
Keepon has soft rubber skin, cameras in its eyes, and a microphone in its nose.
Rhythmic human-robot social interaction
Human social behavior shares much in common with dance. Our speech, as well as the movement of our body, head, and hands, is periodic and rhythmic. Social scientists such as William S. Condon and Adam Kendon have identified interactional synchrony as a phenomenon that plays an important role in the regulation and coordination of movements, vocalizations, and other social cues. We have been developing technology to allow robots like Keepon to synchronize with these social rhythms in their interactions. We believe that rhythmic synchrony is as important for establishing engagement, rapport, and comfort between a robot and a person as it is between people.
small talk with Rick Owens
Small interview conducted by Hint Mag, with Rick Owens after 5 years of being in Paris. Good to see he seems to be kind, my hope is that the Genius in Owens can maintain some of his "outsider" spirit without falling into the machine of snobs becoming an obelisk to his own ego. Some funny cliches mentioned "we love her", "mood boards are corny".
Devastee: existentialism for sale.
How many fashion labels actually brand the cynicism of senseless life? I have been a fan of the dark humor and the always present solution of dead as a unifying time for a Devastee aesthetic .

Imminent Extinction
Funny movie -even though there is space for inciting some "xenophobic" logic-. In this train of thought is worth mentioning that IQ is NOT genetically determined :
“If the everyday world is your cognitive home, it is not natural to detach abstractions and logic and the hypothetical from their concrete referents,” Flynn writes. Our great-grandparents may have been perfectly intelligent. But they would have done poorly on I.Q. tests because they did not participate in the twentieth century’s great cognitive revolution, in which we learned to sort experience according to a new set of abstract categories. In Flynn’s phrase, we have now had to put on “scientific spectacles,” which enable us to make sense of the WISC questions about similarities. To say that Dutch I.Q. scores rose substantially between 1952 and 1982 was another way of saying that the Netherlands in 1982 was, in at least certain respects, much more cognitively demanding than the Netherlands in 1952. An I.Q., in other words, measures not so much how smart we are as how modern we are."
Extracted from an EXCELLENT article in the New Yorker
Overpopulation it is a problem not for the "fittest" as much as all humanity regardless of status or cultural level.
Do you like your vodka rough?

Juan Francisco Casas

Intensity of drawing with a ball pen.
It is the irony of technique when there is no need for it.
Or the vacuous romance of technique for technique's sake in the age of high tech images
Italian scent testosterone


Since 1997, I have investigated the term “reverse engineering”1 by (re-)translating the abstract aesthetic language of virtual reality and 3-D computer modelling back into an architectural environment by means of large-scale light installations. In this body of work, space is experienced as a second skin, our social skin, which is transformed through my artistic intervention. Due to the very nature of its architectural dimension, participating by simply being “present” is an integral part of the installations. Visual perception has to work in conjunction with corporeal motion, and the passage of time, an additional parameter of motion.2
The formal aspect of the works is easily accessible. An interpretation and understanding of this aspect is dependent upon the viewer’s subjective references. Equally, the various individual’s interactions within the context of the installation re-shape each viewer’s subjective references and reveal a complex social phenomenon. "
Born 1963, Gföhl, Lower Austria
Lives and works in New York since 1993
Education (selection): | |
1993-95 | MFA Computer Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, USA |
1988-91 | Diploma in Electronic Music, Music Academy, Vienna, Austria |
1988-90 | BA in Composition, Music Academy, Vienna, Austria |
Balancing act

eating at work

din-ink by andrea cingoli + paolo emilio bellisario + cristian cellini + francesca fontana from italy
Gaultier FW 2008

I'm osessed with this gadget, but having gotten all Iphone gadgetry,
I"ll have to wait to get this one.
"Tenori-On is a new Yamaha prototype. It's a "personal digital instrument for playing sound and ambient light patterns." It has 256 light-topped buttons, stereo speakers, a scroll wheel, a few more buttons built into the frame, and some wireless function, so multiple Tenori-Ons can jam together. Looks awesome. Not many details, yet, but judging from the sine-wave blips on the Japanese Product Page, it could be the modern day Triadex Muse. More details at: WMMNA and Siggraph."
where are the Mutts?

1. Labrador Retriever
2. Yorkshire Terrier
3. Dachshund
4. Havanese**
5. Poodle**
6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
7. French Bulldog
8. Golden Retriever
9. Bulldog
10. Pug
**Tied for 3rd"
Lad Musician/Japan cool

Ibride shabby furniture

Pump up the coffee

Or in a few words: a pump coffee maker. It makes sense if you hike in the wild as much as you drink expresso.

Carolin Reichert

I do like -besides the examples here- her collection of "fake dads".
2001-2005 Photography, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam.
1997-2000 education as graphic designer/BK.

An Aubergine fall
Jil Sander !!!! (1),
Costume National (2),
D&G (3)

Low Tech Fun
Now, a bunch of other designers have united their appreciation for the low tech in this website that plays with GIFs. SWEET GIFS website
Warning: the website might contain many elements of low tech animation not suitable for people that refuse kitsch and rough images.
The image below is an exercise I made some time ago using the power of GIFs.
it tickled my brain!!
buying posh


patent patience

- Compilation of aesthetic manifestations beyond compliance, bring us emancipation.
Jan 2008
- Takagi Masakatsu
- Grow up already
- the cutest robot
- YSL moving images collection
- small talk with Rick Owens
- Frills and Nails
- Devastee: existentialism for sale.
- before the music dies
- Imminent Extinction
- Do you like your vodka rough?
- Helmut Lang the fine artist
- Juan Francisco Casas
- Italian scent testosterone
- menomena
- Balancing act
- eating at work
- Fact Check Unit
- Gaultier FW 2008
- Understanding left with doodles
- Miguel Villalobos
- where are the Mutts?
- Lad Musician/Japan cool
- Ibride shabby furniture
- Pump up the coffee
- Carolin Reichert
- An Aubergine fall
- Low Tech Fun
- it tickled my brain!!
- buying posh
- David Shrigley
- EDGES Light Installation
- proportions
- patent patience
Jan 2008