"boris hoppek was born in kreuztal, germany in 1970.
he wanted to study art but wasn’t accepted at art school.
in the early nineties he started to graffiti the streets and
his art has continued developing ever since.
his first bimbo doll appeared in 2002 and, thanks to an
advert from the german car manufacturer opel,
his audience multiplied incalculably overnight.
bimbo dolls are made by hand from a range of materials;
cloth, corduroy, rubber, fake leather, and they represent
the social issues of our time; some have male and some
have female genitalia. hoppek has exhibited over the past
years in galleries from barcelona to berlin.
the heliumcowboy artspace presented him in hamburg
already in october 2004 with his solo show ‘micky ficky jesus’
and in december 2005 with the exhibition ‘egal!’." Source