Brush for mother

The four inch long creatures are being hand-reared by staff at the New Forest Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park in Ashurst, Hants (UK).
Workers say Mary, Mungo, Midge and Slappy get comfort from playing with the centre's cleaning brush and enjoy rubbing against it.
Forest Families/ the knife

"The ‘tooth phone’ consists of a tiny vibrator and a radio wave receiver implanted into a tooth during routine dental surgery. Sound, which comes into the tooth as a digital radio signal, is transferred to the inner ear by bone resonance, meaning information can be received anywhere and at any time - and nobody else can listen in. However, the ‘telephone tooth’ does not allow people to talk back to callers or make outgoing calls." Source

Characteristically, snobs look down on people who are part of groups that they regard as inferior or flaunt their wealth in order to make others feel inferior.
It seems that in these days of hyper capitalism snobs are the norm. They have build a world of perceived superior consumerism that the rest should be grateful for, when in principle is a construction based on the egotistical desire of power; with no real transcendence . The futile search for power they lack for their same futile nature and useless behavior.
Superior attitude is not merit or virtue; a concept that escapes snobs.
Bigger and Better

Nutty Horror
A Norwegian in Denmark

"From Refinery 29
August 21, 2007
Stig N. Andersen
Name: Stig N. Andersen
Where are you from? Norway! I'm NOT Danish.
What do you do? I'm a marketing manager.
What are you wearing? My jacket and pants are from Tiger of Sweden. The belt is Gucci, the sunglasses are Tom Ford
How would you describe your style? Classic posh.
If your style were an animal, what would it be? What's a smooth, slick animal? A snake? Yes, yes that's good - a snake.
What's your next purchase? A pair of Paul Smith shoes.—Natalia Rachlin"
Camp view

"Pierre et Gilles form a couple, an entity whose work is inseparable from their life and everyday universe. They create portraits of stars and unknowns in unique hand-painted photographs, through an established process:
- they first draw a sketch of the work they have imagined together, according to the model and the role they want him to play;
- they conceive the entire production from the set made with carefully selected materials and accessories, collected worldwide during travels or shopped all around. They also realize the lighting in order to animate and magnify the subject by a play of angles and filters. They select or even realize themselves the costumes, make-up and hairdressing, sometimes with the help of the best specialists;
- Pierre photographs the scenery they have imagined together. Gilles then paints the unique print with successive layers of paint and glaze, exceeding reality. It results in a unique, perfectly aesthetic image that definitely cannot be done by any kind of digital software;
- finally, they conceive the specific frame that is an integral part of the work. Actually, they consider the frame as the extension of the image's universe ;
Everything is considered in order to achieve an aesthetic perfection and a vision of an enchanted world, corresponding to their dreamed reality. As they state: "This is a little bit of photo, a little bit of painting. There is the idealization of the sopped moment; Gilles with his brush can go and go back, and there is no time limit."" SOURCE
Claire Fontaine

my favorite: industrial urban layers

Have to have this one.
IFC on theaters
Watched "Dans Paris" last nite; elegantly sweet in its heavyness and lightness -like love an sex are-. Available on IFC on demand (TV) or a theater near by.
Rumanian graphic genious

Dan Perjovschi
Born: 1961 Sibiu (RO)
Illustrator, 22 Magazine Bucharest
Contributing editor Idea-Art and Society Cluj
Living and working in Bucharest

A war thru the body.
Flash dance exposed the subversion of the feminine mystique through the demon of dance and gender role playing. All that feminine reaffirmation in a the postapocaliptic patriarchal classist and totally hot landscape of 80's NYC makes this movie one of the best chic flicks ever.
Humor comes from New Zeland
El Hijo

Clcik on the image to go to el hijo webpage.
I lived on the moon
Video from KWOON I lived on the moon. French band that has reminiscences of Pink Floyd and radio head in its fantastic spiritual sound but a little lighter. video by French animator Yannick Puig
M.I.A.posmodern superstar

New album for MIA: cheeky multiculturalism.

"Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam, the daughter of a Tamil activist-turned militant, Arul Pragasam,[2] was born in Hounslow, London. When she was six months old, her family moved back to their native Sri Lanka. Motivated by his wish to support the LTTE's violent secessionist campaign against the Sri Lankan government, her father became politically known as Arular[1] and was a founding member of The Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students (EROS), a militant Tamil group.[3][4] Her alias, "M.I.A." stands for both "Missing in Acton" and "Missing in Action".[5]
While residing in Sri Lanka, Maya lived with her grandparents. After a year, as her father's involvement in militant activities increased, Maya, her older sister Kali, and their mother moved to Jaffna in the far north of the island, where Maya's younger brother Sugu was born. Contact with her father was strictly limited, as she says he was in hiding from the Sri Lankan Army.[6][5] Eventually, as the civil war escalated, it became unsafe for the family to stay in Sri Lanka,[6] so they were forced to relocate to Madras, India.[7] They moved into an almost derelict house, surviving there for a while with sporadic visits from Maya's father. However, financial struggles, illness as well as limitations of food and water meant moving back to Sri Lanka, with the help of an uncle, where they settled in Jaffna again.
By now, the violence of the civil war was at its peak,[6] and the family once again tried to flee the country.[7] After several failed attempts to leave, Maya’s mother successfully made it out with the three children, arriving first in India before finally returning to Maya's birthplace in London, where they were housed as refugees.[6]
It was in the late 80s, on a council estate in Mitcham (South London), that an eleven-year-old Arulpragasam began to learn the English language.[4] Here she was exposed to Western radio for the first time, hearing broadcasts emanating from her neighbors' flats.[4] Her affinity for hip-hop and rap began from there. The attitudes of Public Enemy, Big Daddy Kane, Roxanne Shante and N.W.A. influenced her.[1]"
Rodrigo y Gabriela
" Orion – This epic reworking of the Metallica song is the second time Rodrigo y Gabriela have covered Messrs Hetfield, Ulrich & Co: "A tribute to the style of music we love, it's what kept us playing the guitar through all those Spinal Tap years""
"Viking Man – Another Danish inspired piece. The Viking Man was a homeless guy who encouraged Rod & Gab to tough it out on the streets, busking in minus zero conditions at Christmastime. John Leckie adds radio static"

- Compilation of aesthetic manifestations beyond compliance, bring us emancipation.
Aug 2007
- Dabaaz - La plus belle ce soir
- Clean tough
- Brush for mother
- Forest Families/ the knife
- Beauty queen trying to produce a thought
- Toothphone
- FRYE for cold weather
- diatribe
- Bigger and Better
- the cast
- Nutty Horror
- Latex Girl
- A Norwegian in Denmark
- Camp view
- be kind
- Yo gabba gabba
- Really painful clothing navigation
- The power of good type
- Claire Fontaine
- my favorite: industrial urban layers
- IFC on theaters
- Saving bomb
- curious design
- Rumanian graphic genious
- A war thru the body.
- coat
- Humor comes from New Zeland
- El Hijo
- I lived on the moon
- M.I.A.posmodern superstar
Aug 2007