the knife

The Knife is one of those groups that have grown on me. The melodies have a very foreign feel, yet the music is pretty much into the familiar computer generated sound ...those goofy Swedes, Always doing wonders to push candy music into the collective unconscious: the dark side of goofiness is what works for me. "The Knife is Olof Dreijer and Karin Dreijer Andersson. They are based in Stockholm, Sweden and have made music together since 1999, released on their own label Rabid Records." An surprise! "Marble House" has two video versions.
video # 1
I cut your nails and comb your hair
I carry you down the stairs
I wanted to see right through from the other side
I wanted to walk a trail with no end in sight
The moment we believe that we have never met
Another kind of love it's easy to forget
When we are all alone then we do both agree
We have a thing in common this was meant to be
You close my eyes and soothe my ears
You heal my wounds and dry my tears
On the inside of this marble house I grow
And the seeds I sow will grow up prisoners too
The moment we believe that we have never met
Another kind of love it's easy to forget
When we are all alone then we do both agree
We have a thing in common this was meant to be
Now where's your shoulder
What is it's name
What's your scent
Say it again
If it goes faster can you still follow me
It must be safe when it's on TV
I raise my hands to heaven of curiosity
I don't know what to ask for
What has it got for me?
The others say we're hiding
It's as forward as can be
Some things I do for money
Some things I do for free
Folklife on the Mississippi

The Black Keys once again managed to deliver blood in my veins in 2006: they embodied one of the aspects of America that I love, keeping feelings alive through blues harmonic tradition.
a chick with total allure

-Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
She doesn't have Gemma's angelic looks or Gisele's endless legs, so just what does Irina Lazareanu have? Her provenance, for starters. The saga of one of 2006's most talked-about models began when Kate Moss handpicked Lazareanu, the onetime drummer for Babyshambles, from Pete Doherty's posse to model in the issue of Paris Vogue that Moss was guest-editing. And then there are those bangs. Stroll Manhattan's Lower East Side and you'll spot as many Irina 'dos as you'll see Geordon-and-Greg K. bowl cuts on boys. It doesn't hurt that Karl Lagerfeld has taken to calling her a muse, either.- SOURCE
love for sale

Imagine a movie that, for the first time ever, pulls the curtain back to reveal a small group of individuals you've probably never heard of, but who undoubtedly changed your mind and your behavior… THE ALCHEMISTS is a surprisingly personal exploration of some of the most influential advertising giants of the last century, and the communication they created which rocked our culture. Inspired by the social movements of their time and driven by the need to communicate some greater truth, these artists and writers despised mediocrity and the status quo of the advertising industry and brought a revolutionary spirit to their work"
Imagine a movie that, for the first time ever, pulls the curtain back to reveal a small group of individuals you've probably never heard of, but who undoubtedly changed your mind and your behavior… THE ALCHEMISTS is a surprisingly personal exploration of some of the most influential advertising giants of the last century, and the communication they created which rocked our culture. Inspired by the social movements of their time and driven by the need to communicate some greater truth, these artists and writers despised mediocrity and the status quo of the advertising industry and brought a revolutionary spirit to their work"
haunting image

NYC fashion beings through the eyes of the Scott AKA the sartorialist. My favorite image of this ending year.
Fashion images

men, war & peace
An awesome exhibition featuring the photo work of:
david lachapelle / james nachtwey / helmut newton
2 december, 2006 - 30 may, 2007
helmut newton foundation, berlin, germany
haunting song
"Listening to ‘Awake Like Sleep’ is like getting lost inside a dream. One you remember after you wake, long after. Greg Weeks’ latest record is a strange, dark journey through a haze of mellotron and Moog-soaked melodies, guided along by Weeks’s quiet, understated voice. Its tone betrays the melancholy of its creator, which should surprise no one who has had the fortune of hearing his previous efforts, 1998’s ‘Fire in the Arms of the Sun’ and 2000’s ‘Bleecker Station’ EP. While the move away from the acoustic guitar-based constructions of those records may quiet the Nick Drake comparisons, the new sonic explorations of ‘Awake Like Sleep’ reveal the depth of Weeks’s songwriting talent. Unexpected details - a pensive flute solo, a few falling piano chords, a pregnant pause - command complete attention, dream-like."

The adicolor campaign is pretty well known withing creatives, the only "color" of the series that keeps resonating in my head is this one: absurd, creppy and totally pink. The song is so digestable though, maybe is all that peptobismol aesthetic.
Kitsch architechture

"Chairman Wu realized that Guzhen’s icon should be universally recognizable. Thus the colossal 833-foot luminaire is not a funky torchiere or Song antique but “the world’s only architecture shaped like a huge Western classical oil lamp,” as promotional material describes it. Scheduled for completion in time for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, the $38 million Century Giant Lamp Tower will stretch 430,560 square feet over 48 floors, with an immense glass chimney on which an array of images will be projected at night from inside. With an observation deck at its crown, the building has a base that will contain shops, restaurants, and a museum to document “humanity’s quest for light against darkness.”
Read more from METROPOLIS.
I think the building is totally weird for its very direct inspiration. If you ask me I'd actually prefer a shoe than a lamp as a building. Oh global world...already making us uncomfortable with aesthetic choices.
On Kitsch: "Theodor Adorno perceived this in terms of what he called the "culture industry," where the art is controlled and formulated by the needs of the market and given to a passive population which accepts it — what is marketed is art that is non-challenging and formally incoherent, but which serves its purpose of giving the audience leisure and something to watch. It helps serve the oppression of the population by capitalism by distracting them from their alienation. Contrarily, art (not kitsch) for Adorno is supposed to be subjective, challenging, and oriented against the oppressiveness of the power structure. He claimed that kitsch is parody of catharsis, and a parody of aesthetic experience."
But we have to remember that not all individuals in a population are artists or even care about aesthetic choices...otherwise how can you explain public spaces in America (read Malls).
After the DOVE campaign on real beauty this new came up. Not very attractive, but again that is the whole point, making us think in levels of attractiveness: how simple we are.
London lights

Public spaces and light: something that does not happen in the states - specially the public spaces unless they are comercial locales-.Click on the image to see "Volume at the Victoria and Albert Museum".The documentation feels fashionable.
Cite Design

saint etienne design biennale, france
22 november - 3 december 2006
'eden adn' examines the theme of how humanity uses,manipulates and improves nature by incorporating genetically
modified organisms ('gmo') into the design process.
ridicusly defined images

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- Compilation of aesthetic manifestations beyond compliance, bring us emancipation.
Dec 2006
- Feliz 2007
- the knife
- Folklife on the Mississippi
- a chick with total allure
- Flying Studies
- postmodern klimt
- love for sale
- Self Service
- ClaudiaRosaLukas AW 06/07
- Sex in the 80s
- haunting image
- Fashion images
- haunting song
- Edlo Kawa
- pink
- Kitsch architechture
- Spoof
- London lights
- Old folks through the eyes of the young
- Cite Design
- New Math
- Slow song
- Mike & Chris
- ridicusly defined images
Dec 2006